
is an entity which combines features of think tank, expert group and consulting firm.

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is a team providing solutions for the government (public) sector, universities, non-governmental institutions as well as Polish and foreign companies.

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is a provider of services possessing qualifications, expertise and long-standing experience within the consulting, research, training, implementation, organizational and operational for various fields.

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goes beyond a new quality on the market, it constitutes a reply to growing market demand within the domain of professional services and assuring complex solutions.

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Our Partners

Entrepreneurship, innovation, cluster initiatives

development, optimization of operating costs, potential for innovation, support for the development, SMEs sector, processes, knowledge and competency services management, services of the National Service Network (KSU), clusters strategies, innovation, financing development

The labor market and education system

employment, National Qualifications System, human resource management, studies concerning the demand for labor, professional skills, quality skills in non-formal education, processes which occur on the labor market, the diagnosis of the provision for information, education systems, surveys among teachers and students, quality of education

Agri-food industry, rural areas, agriculture

potential of the branch, strategies of the producer groups, launching a new product on the market, cooperative relations, food chain supply management, competition analysis, launching products, testing packaging, product promotion, trade fairs and exhibitions, organic products, prices monitoring, product positioning

Environmental protection and ecology

environmental impact assessment, protected areas Natura 2000, environmental diagnosis, ecological safety, organic products, waste management, recycling, environmental expertise, environmental management , fees and environmental taxes, EU legislation, environmental education, organic farming, the impact of projects and initiatives on environment

Inbound, outbound tourism, hospitality

study tours, the specification of Asian markets, perceiving brand of a town and region, working out product offer, standards of service in the hotel industry, monitoring the quality of service, cultural differences, promotion during tourism fairs, agritourism, promoting region and products, regional products , the study of tourism management, inbound and outbound tourism, hospitality

Regional development, strategies of development and promotion

promoting towns and regions, strategies of development, area development plan, rural areas development, implementing regional strategies of innovation, innovation in the region, diagnosis and potential for development, branch meetings, branch promotions, communication strategies, services for fairs and points of sale

The quality of public services (good governance) and inhabitants life

public services monitoring, the development of public services, the impact of activities on the labor market, public participation, evaluations concerning the conditions and quality of inhabitants life, developing stable support mechanisms

Assisting and providing services during export activities, promoting Polish enterprises regions and the Polish economy, entering new markets

supporting export and trade fairs, promoting regions on the foreign markets, economic zones, launching a new product on the Polish/foreign market, promoting Polish products, foreign investments, twinning towns cooperation, commercial exchange, matchmaking, benchmarking

Transport, infrastructure, building engineering, industry

technical infrastructure, pro-ecological solutions in building engineering, analysis of investment profitability, evaluations referring to the infrastructure programs, feasibility studies

Medical, pharmaceutical and chemical industry

patients’ opinions, habits and behavior, surveys carried out among doctors, patients satisfaction, medicines market, OTC (over-the-counter drugs), development strategies for the medical facilities, quality of service in medical centers, pharmacies, clinics, testing packaging names and advertising spots

Creative industries, innovative services, modern technologies

cutting-edge technologies, testing usability of websites / portals / mobile applications, gamification, game learning, e-learning systems, design

Energetics, renewable energy

cutting-edge technologies, environmentally friendly solutions, wind power plants, thermal energy, reducing carbon dioxide emissions, renewable energy sources

Marshal's Office of Lubelskie Province

The project aimed to develop a tourism development programme in the Lubelskie Province by 2020 with a perspective to 2030.

Study on the development of tourism

The project was based on analysing the Chinese market and conducting collaborative workshops with potential Chinese partners.

Analysis of the Chinese market

National Centre for Research and Development

The purpose of the order was to specify min. 4 products/services, agreed with the order provider, which the WCE will be able to deliver/provide in the 2017-2022 perspective, and to prepare a business model for each of the predefined products.


The Ministry of the Environment

The main objective of the study was to identify the effects of all coastal protection projects at risk of erosion under Measure 2.2. II axis of OPIE 2007-2013, including recommendations for continued support of projects for the protection of the coastline in priority axis II OPIE 2014-2020.


Ministry of Infrastructure and Construction

The aim of the study was to carry out an expert report entitled "Analysis of export potential of transport rolling stock, TSL (transport, shipping, logistics) and construction"

Implementation of the expert opinion on the analysis of export potential

Warsaw City Hall

The project aimed to develop good practice forms and index cards training models related to the management of cultural heritage sites, and to prepare a report on the methodology of data collection for the preparation of the above documents.

Developing good practice forms and index cards of training models

Marshal's Office of Podkarpackie Province

Survey of the automotive sector in the Podkarpackie Province, involving all stakeholders in this sector (including entrepreneurs, public administration, including representatives of the RIS3 implementation system, scientific units, business environment institutions and clusters).

Carrying out a research and developing the expert opinion of the automotive sector in the Podkarpackie Province

Pomeranian Regional Tourist Organization

Preparing and conducting training titled: "Customer Relationship Communication - Customer Needs Diagnosis, Customer Service & Ethics, and Proactive Sales Techniques"

Preparing and conducting training titled: “Customer Relationship Communication – Customer Needs Diagnosis, Customer Service & Ethics, and Proactive Sales Techniques”

Marshal’s Office of Wielkopolskie Voivodeship

Presenting the potential of Wielkopolska to invest in industries related to food production and agricultural production of non-food for biomaterials applied in various industry branch

“Analysis in terms of attracting foreign investment to Wielkopolska region for the food industry”

Marshal’s Office of Mazowieckie Voivodeship

The objective of the given study was to identify hazards and risks associated with the implementation of a system project ‘Construction of the monitoring system and the basis of evaluating the implementation of the Regional Innovation Strategy for Mazowsze

“Identifying potential hazards and risks associated with the implementation of project’s objectives”

Marshal’s Office of Mazowieckie Voivodeship

Study aiming at measuring the intellectual capital of the region.

“Intellectual capital of Mazowsze; updating a study concerning region’s potential”

Ministry of Infrastructure and Development

The main objective of the study is to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of informational and promotional activities carried out since the beginning of the program in accordance with the Communications Plan.

“Evaluating the effectiveness of information and promotion activities in the Cross-Border Cooperation Program South Baltic 2007-2013”

Ministry of Economy

Analyzing market niches in the context of importing products to the given identified markets.

“Working out analysis aiming at identifying prospective non-EU markets”

Marshal’s Office of Kujawsko-Pomorskiego Voivodeship

Developing brand identity of Kujawsko-Pomorskie region combined with developing a marketing operations scheme

“Developing brand identity of Kujawsko-Pomorskie region combined with developing a marketing operations scheme”

Marshal’s Office of Mazowieckie Voivodeship

The aim was to present current diagnosis, qualitative and quantitative analysis of clusters on Mazowsze in the context of current needs of strengthening and linking those institutions as factors influencing the increase of region’s competitiveness.

“An updating report within the domain of clusters, networking and confidence in business on Mazowsze”

Marshal’s Office of Mazowieckie Voivodeship

Identifying regional products in a region possessing particular potential for the promotion of Mazowsze as an innovative region and on the given basis working out a recommendation and a model of cooperation between the Local Government Units, society and enterprises.

“Awareness of innovation, regional products and territorial marketing on Mazowsze”

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

Expert opinion is connected with an issue which is essential for the inhabitants of rural areas namely creating workplaces outside agriculture branch. In this case, those are workplaces in agro-tourism and rural tourism.

“Support for the development of rural tourism and agro-tourism in the RDP for 2014-2020 as well as the national and regional operational programs”

Foundation of Assistance Programmes for Agriculture

The project focused on social capital in rural areas and its application for regional development

„Building social capital to be applied in the process of development management directed by the local community – research, audit meetings and a publication”

Marshal’s Office of Lubuskie Voivodeship

Analysis entitled The investment and export potential of Lubuskie Voivodeship in terms of economic development of Communes and enterprises from the area of Lubuskie Voivodeship

Rzeszów Regional Development Agency

The scope of the project assumed working out a guide aiming at facilitating entrepreneurs who are interested in developing their businesses in Podkarpackie Voivodeship as it comes to understanding the realities of the regional market and in such a way encouraging them to invest in Podkarpacie.

Analysis entitled Podkarpackie for Investors ‘EXPORTER’S GUIDE’

Marshal’s Office of Małopolskie Voivodeship

Quantitative and qualitative diagnosis and in-depth knowledge concerning the potential and quality of cluster initiatives in Małopolska

Study of cluster initiatives in Małopolska

Marshal’s Office of Mazowieckie Voivodeship

Study’s objective was broadening knowledge and updating information concerning the level of activity of international companies on Mazowsze and development of internationalization of their market activities and impact on the development of Mazowsze innovation.

Survey concerning business activity of international companies on Mazowsze

Marshal’s Office of Mazowieckie Voivodeship

The aim of the study was to present the best practices within the scope of activities supporting innovation, innovative solutions on the level of Communes, towns and Districts in Mazowieckie Voivodeship

Good practices within the domain of promoting innovation on the level of Communes, towns and Districts in Mazowieckie Voivodeship

Polish Agency for the Enterprise Development (PARP)

National Innovation Network and National Service System centers offer pro-innovative consulting services on the basis of agreements signed with the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development and on the basis of standards of providing services which was developed in cooperation with PARP.

Ex-post evaluation of the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development system project ‘Consulting connected with the National Innovation Network and National Service System for Innovative Units’ – implemented within the scope of submeasure 5.2 Innovative Economy

Ministry of Infrastructure and Development

An audit involves performing a comparative analysis of costs of the two support schemes and assessing their effectiveness

Evaluating the supply and demand of system educating skills of SMEs employees – basing on the example of Małopolska Voivodeship

Coordination Center for Environmental Projects

Complex organization of a conference for nearly 150 people, preparing invitations and conference materials, ensuring a moderator, catering, lighting, sound, room decorations, preparing video recording summarizing the project.

Complex organization of a conference for nearly 150 people, preparing invitations and conference materials, ensuring a moderator, catering, lighting, sound, room decorations, preparing video recording summarizing the project.

Marshal’s Office of Mazowieckie Voivodeship

Working out research strategy that would aim at monitoring and updating the Regional Innovation Strategy of Voivodeship

Working out a plan (strategy) of conducting research in the field of monitoring and updating the Regional Innovation Strategy for Mazowsze until year 2020, including smart specialization of Mazowsze

Marshal’s Office of Mazowieckie Voivodeship

Working out a research (strategy) that would aim at monitoring and updating Voivodeship’s Regional Innovation Strategy

Working out a plan (strategy) of conducting research in the field of monitoring and updating of the Regional Innovation Strategy for Mazowsze 2020, including smart specialization for Mazowsze

Marshal’s Office of Mazowieckie Voivodeship

Plan of research aiming at monitoring the implementation of the Regional Innovation Strategy for Mazowsze must be linked with objectives assumed by the given document. The main objective of the strategy is to increase the innovativeness of Mazowsze, leading to increasing the growth of economy and competitiveness on the EU scale.

Working out a plan (strategy) of conducting research in the field of monitoring and updating of the Regional Innovation Strategy for Mazowsze 2020, including smart specialization Mazowsze

Marshal’s Office of Lubelskie Voivodeship

A project implemented within the scope of Regional Territorial Observatory in Lubelskie Voivodeship

Working out strategy for the functioning of Regional Territory Observatory in Lubelskie Voivodeship

Marshal’s Office of Kujawsko-Pomorskiego Voivodeship

Organizing 8 training conferences in landscape parks on the terrain of Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship

Preparing and organizing eight one day conferences under the working title ‘Marketing management of natural resources’

Voivodeship Employment Agency in Warszawa

The subject of research in the framework of the given project was to diagnose non-formal lifelong learning carried out in Mazowieckie Voivodeship and its relationship with the needs of the regional labor market.

Carrying out a survey entitled ‘Lifelong learning and the needs of labor market on Mazowsze’

Voivodeship Employment Agency in Warszawa

Carrying out a survey entitled ‘Lifelong learning and the needs of labor market on Mazowsze’


Analysis of investment attractiveness of Opolszczyzna as a center of sub-region of south-western Poland within the perspective of attracting business

Analyzing investment attractiveness of Opolszczyzna

Kujawsko-Pomorskie COIE (Investor and Exporter Service Centre)

Analyzing the attractiveness of Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship in the chemical industry

Analyzing the attractiveness of Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship in the chemical industry

Podlaskie Voivodeship

Analysis of the cluster initiatives in Podlaskie Voivodeship

Analysis of the cluster initiatives

Lubelskie Voivodeship

Analysis of the absorptive capacity of entities operating in the food processing industry

Analysis the absorptive capacity

Wielkopolskie Voivodeship

"Analysis of the export potential for the manufacturing and service enterprises from the Wielkopolska Voivodeship"

Analysis of the investment potential of enterprises from Wielkopolska

Lubelskie Voivodeship

Analyzing the scientific research potential of the region

Analyzing the scientific research potential

Lubelskie Voivodeship

Survey of the information needs

Analysis of the information needs

Mazowieckie Voivodeship

Analyzing academic entrepreneurship and spin off, including academic programs concerning entrepreneurship and academic enterprising units which promote academic entrepreneurship

Analyzing academic entrepreneurship and spin-off

Urząd Komunikacji Elektronicznej

Analiza rynku spamu w Polsce i innych krajach

Analiza rynku spamu

Mazovia Development Agency S. A.

Updating the study ‘Report concerning the investment attractiveness of Mazowieckie Voivodship’

Investment attractiveness of Mazowsze

Commissioner for Civil Rights Protection

Availability of academic education for the deaf, blind, people with physical disabilities and the mentally ill

Availability of academic education for the disabled

Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency

Investment climate in Poland in 2014

Investment climate in Poland in 2014


5 the number of realized so far research projects for the NBP

9 focus groups relating to the creation and promotion of construction Brand of Wielkopolska

Nationwide CAPI survey on a sample on 1980 made in the courts.

350 people trained in the tourism sector – cultural differences, identification of needs, building offer and business relations with partners and tourists from Asian markets

study concerning perceiving the town as a brand on 5 European markets (United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, Spain and Kaliningrad) as well as among the residents and opinion-forming groups

Analyzing the innovation potential of agri-food sector on the basis of 400 enterprises from rural areas in Mazowsze

Rating basing on opinions of over 400 customers and potential customers concerning the impact of promotional activities on their opinion on the issue of rural tourism / agritourism, prognosis concerning supply and realizing coherent concept for promoting rural areas

Entrepreneurs’ environmental awareness and the analysis of needs within the domain of sustainable development of enterprises in Poland

1000 inhabitants of Poland, 400 representatives of the local authorities ‘Analysis of the state of public participation in Polish Communes’

1200 surveyed social workers within the domain of providing social welfare services

230 reviews for entrepreneurs which enabled identifying relationship between the development of environmental infrastructure and the increase in demand on the labor market

4000 Household – assessing the conditions and quality of inhabitants life in one of the Voivodeships


Quantitative research

Qualitative research

individual interviews IDI

Phone in-depth interviewing ITI

FGI Group interviewing

FGI on-line

Dyads / triads



CAWI PAPI Internet panels

Face-to-face interviews

Social consultations

Creative workshops

Expert panels

Hall tests

Feasibility study

Case studies

Specialized trainings

Indicator analysis

SWOT analysis

Factor analysis

Desk research

Pre and post testing

Sensitivity analysis

Ex-ante evaluations

Ex-post evaluation

On-going evaluations

Mystery Shopping

Mystery Calling

Strategies of development

Branch analysis

The Delphic method

(non)participatory observations

Organizing promotion

Strategies for promotion and communication



Study visit

Economic missions


Evaluation of the progress of SME support in the Lubuskie Voivodeship kwiecień 2018 April 2018

Another project started at the request of the Marshal’s Office of the Lubusz Voivodeship. The Bluehill company conducts work as part of the evaluation study “Evaluation of the progress of SME support in the Lubuskie Voivodeship in the 2014-2020 perspective”.

Study information needs and the possibility of obtaining the data needed to monitor the smart specialisation of Masovia marzec 2018 March 2018

The aim of the study was to conduct a study of current information needs by individual areas of specialisation and the identification of legitimate data sources and define the range of possible to acquire data necessary to monitor smart specialisation of Masovia, in accordance with current needs and trends. The study was conducted in two parts:
• research, whose aim is the Assembly, analysis and selection of empirical data about the effectiveness of support businesses within the identified priority axes,
• creative, in which will be developed recommendations.

Evaluation of the anticipated effects of the socio-economi – PFON marzec 2018 March 2018

In March, Bluehill on behalf of the Polish Forum of Persons with Disabilities completed development of making economic and social impacts assessment for the proposed recommendations proposed for the implementation of the 12 following policies public:
1. public administration
2. building & construction, local planning and zoning and housing
3. membership of the Republic of Poland in the European Union
4. public finance
5. Economy
6. Computerisation of
7. financial institutions
8. Communications
9. Justice
10. Internal Affairs
11. Foreign Affairs
12. transport

Evaluation of the anticipated socioeconomic impacts for Academy Sspecial Education marzec 2018 March 2018

Finished another project on behalf of the Academy of Special Education Maria Grzegorzewskiej in Warsaw, the subject of the contract was the assessment of the socio-economic impacts for the proposed recommendations, proposed to implement the following 12 public policies:
1. physical culture,
2. culture and protection of national heritage,
3. Science,
4. education and upbringing,
5. work,
6. family,
7. regional development,
8. rural development,
9. higher education,
10. hiking,
11. social security,
12. health

Complex consulting and research study for the Ministry of Justice styczeń 1970 January 1970

Bluehill completed Complex consulting and research study “The development of the customer service standards in the judiciary” for the Ministry of Justice. The main objective of the project was to improve the management processes and communication in the area of the caller’s service in the judiciary a common through the development of a directory of services and standard procedures and elaboration of the concept implementation a new model of communication based on the standardization of processes in the judiciary. The project included the scope of both a large research component (over 2000 interviews and visits), as well as a number of expert work. In result there was over 15 products developed.

Study of the brand and the image for the Wielkopolska grudzień 2017 December 2017

In cooperation with one of the leading marketing agencies Bluehill conducted research and brand image for the Wielkopolska region. The study included market research of current brand image as a part of bigger promotion program called “The creation and promotion of construction Brand of Wielkopolska” using techniques like desk research,, quantitative and qualitative research. Research was conducted on respondents from greater Poland and other regions of the country, as well as foreigners. The study helped i.e. to evaluate new economic logo of the region.

This is another in the last few years of experience in the field in the area of territorial brand and image of the region made by the Bluehill. In the portfolio of the company are already projects in this regard for provinces of West(LINK)Lublin, kujawsko-Pomorskie region (LINK), subcarpathian voivodship, Mazowieckie or Polish Agency for investment and trade, as well as the Polish Tourist Organization (LINK).

Evaluation of the Narodowy Bank Polski educational programs grudzień 2017 December 2017

The consortium which Bluehill is a part completed evaluation project for Narodowy Bank Polski(LINK) in field of educational programs. The results of the study will be used to improve programs and projects.

Evaluation of the selection of projects system for WUP in Warsaw grudzień 2017 December 2017

The project was completed within the framework of the project. “Evaluation of the system for the selection of projects in competition as part of the priority 1.2 POWER” for the Reional Labour Office in Warsaw which purpose was to evaluate the system for the selection of projects under consistency, relevance, effectiveness and efficiency criterias. as part of the priority axis 1.2 and VER under for consistency, relevance, effectiveness and efficiency.

Analysis of new emerging, promising sectors in greater Poland (Wielkopolska) grudzień 2017 December 2017

In December Bluehill completed analysis of the emerging new, promising sectors in greater Poland for the Marshal’s Office of the Wielkopolska region. The aim of the analysis was to determine the most promising for Wielkopolski sectors emerging in the KET and ICT and creative sectors and to prepare recommendations for possible changes in the records of the regional Strategy Innovation for greater Poland for the years 2015-2020 of areas of smart specialisation of greater Poland.

Evaluation of export potential of the Lubuskie listopad 2017 November 2017

Bluehill was invited for a meeting organized by the Business Department of the Marshal’s Office of the Lubuskie Voivodship to make presentation and take part in discussion with regional leaders. The main topic of the meeting was the evaluation of the export potential of the Lubuskie Voivodeship and the summary of trade missions for enterprises. One of the speakers was the Managing Director of Bluehill Artur Kowalczyk. The meeting was also aimed at summarizing previous missions, as well as the exchange of experiences, which was supposed to help to organize the next trips of Lubuskie entrepreneurs. More information and photo gallery can be found at:

Bluehill on II National Congress Evaluation październik 2017 October 2017

20 October 2017 year was supported by Bluehill II National Congress Evaluation organized by the Polish society of Evaluation. This year’s Congress was a nationwide event to the representatives of the research companies, research institutes, public authorities, individuals interested in evaluation and students.  Congress enabled participation both in the role of the listener, as well as an active participant in the discussion. The event consisted of a part of the classroom in the form of presentations, discussion panel, and workshops affecting issues research and evaluation market in Poland. Workshops and discussion panels have been divided into three parts and the participants had to choose from topics such as:

  • Evaluation in the area of Security
  • Evaluation in social assistance
  • Evaluation in the area of culture
  • Evaluation in adult education
  • what should talk to ewaluatorzy-reflections on the evaluation based on the analysis of the reports. implementation of the ESF in Poland
  • Evaluation of sustainable development, that is, the evaluator in antropocenie

Bluehill was official Partner of the conference.

Participation in the strategic workshop of international consulting group wrzesień 2017 September 2017

In September the management of Bluehill was invited and participated in the strategic workshop of international consulting group.
Workshop took place in Varna (Bulgaria) and was attended by almost 200 representatives of the Partners from 10 countries.

First of regional inter-branch flows study in Poland sierpień 2017 August 2017

Bluehill completed for the Marshal’s Office of the Silesian Voivodeship project “The analysis of inter-branch flows in the context of the development of innovation in administrative Silesia by the year 2020”.
The aim of the study was to obtain comprehensive knowledge about development opportunities identified regional specialisation (technological ) and smart specialisation in Silesian Voivodeship. The study also responds to the need to identify opportunities and development actors innovation ecosystem in the context of the processes of technological development of Silesia.

Beginning of cooperation with the Provincial Labour Office sierpień 2017 August 2017

Another project for Provincial Labour Office in Warsaw has been started by Bluehill.
„Evaluation of the system for the selection of projects in competition as part of the priority 1.2 POWER” is one of the key project in field of regional labour force market in Mazowsze.

Implementation of the evaluation project in the field of educational programs lipiec 2017 July 2017

A consortium of Bluehill, Quality Watch and Evalu carries out evaluation study in the area of educational programmes for Polish National Bank.

Strategic project for the Ministry of Justice czerwiec 2017 June 2017

In June, a consortium of Bluehill and Quality Watch has begun the implementation of a strategic project under the customer service standards in the judiciary for of the Ministry of Justice.
The study carried out within the framework of the project: “development of the customer service standards in the judiciary”. The main objective of the task is to improve the management processes and communication in the area of the customer service stanrads in the judiciary, and thus prevent the existing disparities, both in the way they handle clients, as well as in the field of the information transmitted is possible by individual courts.

Participation in the Impact’17 – the innovative event maj 2017 May 2017

In May Bluehill accepted the invitation and participated in Impact ‘ 17 – one of the highlights of the innovative in Central and Eastern Europe. For two days in Krakow we had possibility to meet representatives of hundreds of companies and organizations in the areas of new-tech to jointly reflect on the opportunities and threats economy 4.0. The main theme of the event were all kinds of innovations and their impact on the Polish economy. Discussions also took place on paths: science to business, fintech&e-commerce, energy&resources, mobility, entrepreneurship

Creating a model of implementation of 2.4 priority for the Ministry of Development kwiecień 2017 April 2017

On behalf of the Ministry of Development Bluehill is working on the action model from 2.4 prioity which is about the creation of services and applications that use e-public services and public sector information under the Operating Digital 2014-2020 for Poland (Polska Cyfrowa). The results will be provided in May.

Analysis of inter-branch flows in Śląsk (Silesia) kwiecień 2017 April 2017

On behalf of the Office of the Marshal of the Silesian Bluehill is working within the framework of the evaluation project. “Analysis of input-output tables in the context of the development of innovation in the Silesian Voivodeship to the year 2020″

Analysis of export potential for Świętokrzyskie marzec 2017 March 2017

In March, Bluehill completed work on the analysis of export potential entrepreneurs Świętokrzyskie established within the framework of the main sectors of smart specialisation region modern agriculture and food processing on behalf of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship Marshal’s Office. As a result, the study was a report consisting of 4 specialisations: modern agriculture and food processing, metal foundry, health tourism and pro-health, resource-efficient construction.

Bluehill for Polish Agency for investment and Trade S.A. styczeń 2017 January 2017

Bluehill finished another project for PAIH(LINK) – “The report and the diagnosis of establishment of municipalities – Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship”. The aim of the study was to develop a report on the establishment of municipalities on the example of the 46 municipalities of Warmia and Mazury, along with their diagnosis in terms of investor service. The project was strongly conected with following scope: investor service, stimulating local entrepreneurship as well as focus on the analysis of the 5 examplations of the good practices of audits carried out by PAIH experts.

Development of tourism in Lubelskie Voivodeship grudzień 2016 December 2016

In December a consortium with Bluehill has completed the implementation of the next project for the Marshal’s Office of the Lubelskie Voivodeship. A study showed the current trends in tourism and of the tourist offer of the Lubelskie Voivodeship.

Cultural heritage project grudzień 2016 December 2016

At the end of the year, Bluehill completed another project for local authorities. The expertise was aimed to develop a form of good practice management of places of cultural heritage, development of training models flashcards related to the management of places of cultural heritage and to draw up a report with a methodology data acquisition for the development of these documents.


Developing analysis titled “Exporter’s Guide. The creation and development of cooperation networks Investor Service Center”

The development of  „Exporter’s Guide”, is a publication that provides insight into issues related to the different types of strategies for entering foreign markets and access to foreign markets. The development contains information such as: selected European markets and export issues concerning of the Podkarpackie.

„Continuing education and the needs of Mazovia Province labour market”

The subject of study within the framework of this project was to identify non-formal lifelong learning carried out in California, and its link with the regional needs of the labour market. The specific objectives of the project focused around four main areas, i.e.. Directions-formal, for that is the demand on the labour market East; The term training strategy pursued by employers, educational institutions and participants of training; Characteristics of employers investing in training of employees, as well as sources of funding and the degree of use of public funds for the education of employees; Quality assurance procedures used in non-formal education institutions and diagnosis of the potential of these institutions.

“Characteristics, potential and quality of Małopolska Province clustered initiatives”

The main objectives of the research as part of the service were: identification and verification of cluster initiatives in Lesser Poland; characteristics of initiatives because of the main variables for their forms of organizational-legal, represented specialization, number of affiliated members and structure in clusters, employment in economic entities to provide in the clusters; deepen the knowledge about the potential and quality of cluster initiatives in the region of lesser Poland; identification of expectations of the coordinators of the cluster initiatives, as well as members of the clusters to institutions creating and implementing cluster policies.

“Test clients and service providers services pilot KSU funding back and PK KSU”

The aim of the research work under the contract was to provide information to support the decision to promote public service pilot financing back-that is, the transition from the pilot phase of this service to ensure its system support or abandoning him after additional testing or modification of the service and provide the knowledge to assess the services provided at the points of Consultation and any new services design a KSU about business for business people starting a business.

Study of the image and recognition of the Zachodniopomorskie Region

The aim of the study was the in-depth analysis of West Pomeranian image, including: the perception of the region at a reasonable/cognitive and emotional level by the inhabitants of West Pomeranian and other residents Polish, an analysis of the perception of the image of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship in relation to other Polish regions, identify the most important, the most deeply rooted of positive and negative associations with the region, the term “distinguishing marks” Of the West, an indication of the people – the candidates for the ambassadors of West Pomeranian, identification of weaknesses in the image of the region, identify the key features of the image of the province, in what is his strength, as affecting the the recipient, what unique benefit offers consumers.

Link for report

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